Her favorite thing to do is cuddle up with a good book…and her husband. Shoshanna lives with her family and two big dogs in sunny Florida. She welcomes emails from readers and writers.
Shoshanna Evers’ Bio:
Critically-acclaimed, multi-published romance author Shoshanna Evers writes for Ellora’s Cave, The Wild Rose Press, Cleis Press, and Berkley/Jove, as well as becoming an Amazon Erotica Bestseller, #1 Amazon Authorship Bestseller, and #1 Erotica Writing Reference Bestseller with her self-published books.
Her latest release is the trilogy set of the Dominatrix Fantasy Series: SPANKED, DENIED, & COLLARED (also available separately) and includes the bonus short story TAPE. These are adults-only erotic romance stories from Amazon Erotica Bestselling author Shoshanna Evers. Warning: this trilogy set of novellas is just for adults.
This is the blurb or short excerpt from her trilogy:
SPANKED, Novella 1: The beautiful woman Blake waited on at the diner left her business card, with this written across the back: You don’t deserve a tip, little Blake. You deserve a spanking. Call me if you agree.
Now Blake’s about to experience his Dominatrix fantasy come true…but can he willingly submit to his very first disciplinary spanking at the hands of the lovingly sadistic Mistress Victoria?
And…can he do it without falling for her?
DENIED, Novella 2: Blake’s been having so much fun learning to submit to the beautiful Mistress Victoria that he let his college grades drop…and now his Dominatrix has no choice but to punish her naughty school boy.
What Blake needs, she decides, is a male chastity belt designed to force him to focus on his school work instead of on sex. Until Blake gets his grades up, she’s the only one who will have access to his body. Without the key, he’s completely at her mercy.
…and as Blake knows, being at Mistress Victoria’s mercy is the hottest place to be.
Now Mistress Victoria has to come to terms with the evolving relationship…she’s starting to get attached to her devastatingly sexy submissive. It’s not just a game anymore…
COLLARED, Novella 3: Blake has given himself fully to Mistress Victoria as her live-in slave. His Dominatrix has one last test of Blake’s submission…will he submit to being lent out to her friends?
Blake wants to do anything and everything his Domme commands. But one of her friends happens to be a very large, very sexy cowboy. And this Dom has his eye on little Blake…
Blake wants to show Mistress Victoria exactly how much her collar on his neck means to him so they can take their relationship to the next level. Could it be…love?
Okay, on with the questions...
Her latest release is the trilogy set of the Dominatrix Fantasy Series: SPANKED, DENIED, & COLLARED (also available separately) and includes the bonus short story TAPE. These are adults-only erotic romance stories from Amazon Erotica Bestselling author Shoshanna Evers. Warning: this trilogy set of novellas is just for adults.
This is the blurb or short excerpt from her trilogy:
SPANKED, Novella 1: The beautiful woman Blake waited on at the diner left her business card, with this written across the back: You don’t deserve a tip, little Blake. You deserve a spanking. Call me if you agree.
Now Blake’s about to experience his Dominatrix fantasy come true…but can he willingly submit to his very first disciplinary spanking at the hands of the lovingly sadistic Mistress Victoria?
And…can he do it without falling for her?
DENIED, Novella 2: Blake’s been having so much fun learning to submit to the beautiful Mistress Victoria that he let his college grades drop…and now his Dominatrix has no choice but to punish her naughty school boy.
What Blake needs, she decides, is a male chastity belt designed to force him to focus on his school work instead of on sex. Until Blake gets his grades up, she’s the only one who will have access to his body. Without the key, he’s completely at her mercy.
…and as Blake knows, being at Mistress Victoria’s mercy is the hottest place to be.
Now Mistress Victoria has to come to terms with the evolving relationship…she’s starting to get attached to her devastatingly sexy submissive. It’s not just a game anymore…
COLLARED, Novella 3: Blake has given himself fully to Mistress Victoria as her live-in slave. His Dominatrix has one last test of Blake’s submission…will he submit to being lent out to her friends?
Blake wants to do anything and everything his Domme commands. But one of her friends happens to be a very large, very sexy cowboy. And this Dom has his eye on little Blake…
Blake wants to show Mistress Victoria exactly how much her collar on his neck means to him so they can take their relationship to the next level. Could it be…love?
Okay, on with the questions...
How can we differentiate between a sexy scene and an erotic scene?
Shoshanna: A sexy scene doesn’t have to involve sex, and for that matter, neither does an erotic scene. When the heroine slowly undresses, knowing the hero is watching her, that’s sexy. It’s erotic too. When the hero feeds the heroine a bit of fruit, and she licks the juices off of his finger, that’s hot. Sexy, erotic, whatever you want to call it.
I think the question you’re really asking is what’s the difference between a “sensual/steamy romance” and “erotica,” in terms of how publishers categorize books. In general, sex scenes in a non-erotic romance are either glossed over or focus mainly on the character’s inner emotions, and graphic sex terms aren’t used. This is where we might see the so-called “purple prose”: his turgid length, the junction of her thighs, her desire, etc.
In erotica, the bedroom door is left open, and graphic terms can be used. Cock, pussy, wet, cum, ass, it’s all allowed. But it’s not pornography, because no one cares about sex between two characters they don’t know. So we ask the reader to come along on a ride with us as we tell the story of two lovers (or three lovers, or four...). The sex in erotica moves the story forward.
How do you write those hot scenes without feeling uncomfortable about them?
Shoshanna:I never censor myself. But when I first started, I was terrified of what my parents would think if they read my work, or my friends. The stories come out of my imagination, and the thought that everyone who knew me would also know my kinkiest thoughts was scary indeed. So I ignore thoughts about people I know reading my books, and I’ve made my family promise only to read books I’ve preapproved (I don’t mind them reading my erotica, but I don’t want them reading my *kinky* erotica. Weird, I know.).
What is the perfect time in the novel to write about "hanky panky"?
Shoshanna: Whenever the characters are ready. Each book is different, there is no formula. The characters may be instantly drawn to each other, ready for a one night stand, and then discover they can’t stop seeing each other, even if they meant it to be one night only. Or, the characters might not have sex until near the end of the book, when they’ve worked through some other issues. Still, the book can contain other erotic scenes that don’t involve sex. Many of my books have erotic scenes where the hero spanks the heroine, or ties her up and toys with her, long before they have actual intercourse.
What elements can we use when we express a strong physical attraction between a couple?
Shoshanna: As with anything, we use all five senses. The woman might hear his deep voice and it sends a pleasurable shiver down her spine. (Hearing) He tastes her cherry lip-gloss. (Taste) His stubble scratches her cheek like sandpaper. (Touch) The scent of her arousal fills the air. (Smell) His muscular torso catches her eye. (Sight).
How can we create sexual tension?
Shoshanna: Creating sexual tension involves making both the hero and the heroine desire each other, but be unable to give in (thus, the tension). It might only be for a few moments, if say they are out on a date and must wait until they’re home before they can indulge themselves, sexual tension will build during dinner as they tease each other and play footsie under the table. Sexual tension might also last most of the book, if the hero and heroine can’t have each other until major issues are resolved, when they finally give in to temptation the sex will be that much more erotic.
Great to have you here. Shoshanna!
Thank you for interviewing me, and for translating my responses into Spanish. My book How to Write Hot Sex: Tips From Multi-Published Erotic Romance Authors is a #1 Amazon Authorship Bestseller, #1 Erotic Fiction Writing Reference Bestseller, a Romance Fiction Writing Reference Bestseller, and a Writing Skills Bestseller, thanks to my amazing readers. It’s in English only at this time, but I highly recommend it to writers who are interested in writing romance and/or erotica.
Sexily *Evers* After...
Twitter: @ShoshannaEvers
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shoshanna.evers
Sianny Mckay
NOTA: Si deseas leer la entrevista en español, descarga el primer número de la revista Escribe Romántica
NOTA: Si deseas leer la entrevista en español, descarga el primer número de la revista Escribe Romántica
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